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Arcade Convoy Revelation Arcade Convoy Revelation is the ultimate version of Arcade Convoy with every feature, option and art work added to this 100 mb version.
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Shape Shifter

Vegas Solitaire

Devils Grip

Corner Stones



Australian Patience



SeaHaven Towers

Slow Poke
Slow poke is a unique game to shape shifter that we thought of one day. It is a game type with you and one other shape. How is this different than twos company, well the other shape is like the name says a slow poke, that means that it will always drop a speed level 1. At first this doesn't seem like any big deal, but after a while when your speed picks up is can be pretty annoying. And if you think it is annoying wait until you play Road Block
  • Number of Shapes: 2 Active Shapes
  • Scrolling Level: Scrolling On

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